sábado, 22 de noviembre de 2014

Tarajartarahal tarajal canario - Tamarix canariensis

Familia: Tamaricaceae
Género: tamarix

Nombres comunes: Tarajaltarahal tarajal canario.

Descripción: Arbusto de corteza marrón-rojizo. Hojas 1-3 mm. Espigas 15-45 mm. Flores pediceladas, rosadas, anteras apiculadas.

Hábitat: Se localiza en torno al mediterráneo occidental y en las Islas Canarias. Se desarrolla en suelos salinos del litoral y del interior, en depresiones y bordes de arroyos. Florece en primavera y verano. 

Family: Tamaricaceae

Genus: tamarix

Common names:
Tarajaltarahal tarajal canario. 

Description: Shrub reddish-brown bark. 1 to 3 mm sheets. Spikes 15-45 mm. Flowers pedicellate, pink, apiculate anthers.

Habitat: It is located around the western Mediterranean and the Canary Islands. It grows in saline soils of coastal and interior, in depressions and edges of streams. Flowers in spring and summer. This species is possible that the same will happen with Quercus canariensis herbarium samples in which the name is based not come from the Canary Islands, West Africa.

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