Género: Kleinia
Nombres comunes: Verode o berol
Descripción: Es un arbusto suculento que puede alcanzar casi los 3
metros de altura, tienen un tronco muy bien formado, ya que están adaptados
para acumular agua con la que soportan la sequía de los meses estiviales, es
algo leñoso y caducifolio (pierden sus hojas durante una parte del año), además es de color verde-marrón. Asimismo, este arbusto
también posee unas hojas gruesas, lanceoladas y carnosas, son de color verde
pálido, pueden medir hasta 12 cm de largo, estas hojas surgen en apretados racimos
en la parte superior del tronco. Finalmente, tienen frutos secos plumosos.
Hábitat: Se pueden encontrar en formaciones xerofíticas del piso
basal, laderas soleadas, terrenos pedregosos. Se caracteriza por ser una
especie de zonas cálidas. Este arbusto es endémico y autóctono del Archipiélago Canario, asimismo se pueden localizar en todas las islas canarias.
Family: Asteraceae
Genus: Kleinia
Common names: Verode, berol…
Description: It is a succulent shrub that can reach almost 3 feet tall, have a very shapely body, as they are
adapted to accumulate water that
support the drought estiviales months, something woody, deciduous
(lose their leaves during part of the year), it is also green -brown. Also, this shrub also has thick, fleshy lanceolate leaves are pale green, and can measure up to 12 cm long, these sheets come in tight clusters on the upper trunk. Finally, have feathery nuts.
(lose their leaves during part of the year), it is also green -brown. Also, this shrub also has thick, fleshy lanceolate leaves are pale green, and can measure up to 12 cm long, these sheets come in tight clusters on the upper trunk. Finally, have feathery nuts.
Habitat: They can be found in xerophytes formations of the basal floor, sunny
slopes, and rocky terrain. It
is characterized as a kind of warm areas. This shrub is endemic and native to the Canary archipelago, also can be located in all the Canary Islands.
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